Synoptic Project 2024/25

Methodolgy pptx Moodle Resources vg!

Methodology:  a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity. 

Your methodology refers to the systematic approach used to conduct research, investigate problems, and gather data. It involves various techniques and procedures - a collection of 4 methods -  to identify, collect, analyze, and interpret data to answer your research questions and / or solve problems ralted to the SP

Research Methods Options 

The SP is underpinned by deployment of accurate research methods.  You need to be fully aware and justify the technical approach(es) adopted.  Below are simple descriptions with links to further in-depth study.  Methods are the "results" of  chapters 1 & 2 and provide the "engine" for the rest of the SP.  

Explore the links and deepen your knowledge. 

Quantitative Research

Involves the collection and analysis of numerical data using statistical methods. It's often used to study cause-and-effect relationships and make predictions

Qualitative Research 

Involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data such as words, images, and observations. It's used to explore complex phenomena and gain an in-depth understanding of a topic

Mixed-Methods Research

Combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods to provide a more comprehensive analysis..

Case Study Research

Involves an in-depth examination of a single case or a small number of cases.

Action Research

Focuses on collaborative problem-solving and is often used in educational and organizational settings

Experimental Research

Involves the manipulation of variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships

Survey Research

Involves collecting data from a sample of individuals using questionnaires or interviews 

Methodology Structure

Chapter 3 accounts for 10% of marks AND "application of methods" a further 25%.  Methods are another key section of the SP.  Each SP is different but as a minimum your methodology should address details of the 4 methods - literature search, domain specific primary, data analysis method and project management

Scan summary and use Links to deepen knowledge


Briefly introduce the methodology and its importance;  again, managing expectation - clearly states what, why and how LR search devloped.  Needs to cover - problem, concepts / theories and recent work in the field. 

Literature Review Method

Refer to LR section:  you have made notes on your approach - this section outlines in a rigorous manner. State actions you took and support with data.

Domain Specfic Primary Research Design 

Explain whether your study is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods, and justify your choice again using RM literature

Data Collection Methods

Detail the tools and techniques used to gather data (e.g., surveys, interviews, experiments).  Useful, if you were to justify selected approach with RM literature - adds to your marks for Use of Literature


Describe who participated in the study, how they were selected, and any relevant demographic information.

Data Analysis Method

You need DETAIL:  explain how the collected data was processed and analyzed - this should have been identfied at the end of the LR 


Discuss any ethical issues encountered and how they were addressed.  Even, if there are no extant issues you should report that!


Acknowledge any limitations of your study and how they might affect the results.  Details of how you collected valid data, avoided error or bias?

Project Management Method

Full details of how the project has been planned to be executed


Link to results - e.g. state next chapter details execution and presents results

Download Research Methods PPTX Resources

Chapter 3 Checklist 

  • Does your Methodology Chapter cover the necessary minimum 4 method areas (above right)?  Is it written in the "future" tense?

  • Is there a RM texts cited justification  / rationale of approach?

  • Does body or report contain high level strategic action of planned methods with process and technical detail in the appendices?

  • Have you included enough detail?   If the reader decided to repeat your domain specific primary research - could they?

  • Is the word count appropriate:  is presented concisely?

What to do now Chapter 3 ....

Methods derive from the literature review and drive data collection and latter sections of the project.  So they are vital to the success of the SP.  Engage with these activities please. 

 Download methodology plan now
  • PLAY PPTx Resources:  play the genreral RM and then selct those that are relevant to your SP
  • Look at excellent Moodle Resources:  Overview - Academic projects (
  • Check that the LR has not altered the Aim or the RQs
  • Mind Map Key areas / themes
  • Complete LR Scope Worksheet
  • Send to JC for initial feedback
  • Reflect and Create First Draft of Chapter 3
  • Sent to JC for formative feedback
  • Make an appointment to see JC by  X