Synoptic Project 2024/25

The conclusion is the place to reflect upon the process and your expereince over the execution of the SP 

Where you bring all process, actions and findings together in a clear expostion of the AIM.  The conclusion chapter is worth 20% of the SP marks and requires as much effort, refelction an rigor as other areas of he report.  

Be honest, reflective and professional in your conclusion.

Conclusion Structure

Conclusion Structure


Begin by briefly summarizing what the conclusion will contain and highlight key aspects of learning and development

Aim / Objectives appraisal 

Re state the Aim and discuss how effectively you have achieved the Aim.  Be objective and put findings into the correct context and reflect upon any limiting factors that could impact credibility of claims.  Being analytical, objective while appraising work is required.  Don't over claim but equally take ownership and degree of pride in your own work.

Evaluate the initial set objectives and the success / or contra issues that arose over the SP


You may have covered this in the aim / objectives appraisal but a more indepth systemmatic evaluation of methodological limitations may be appropriate.  A key assessment criteria is the "application of methods"  - so what were the limitations of the designed and deployed methods developed? Be wide ranging but objective.

Future Research and or development

There a three areas you may wish to refelct upon:  1) how would you change the SP if you did it again, 2) how could / should the work be developed in the future, why and to what potential results and 3) have your findings indicated a gap in knowledge and where should additional research be commissioned?

Self appraisal (critical / reflective)

Self appraisal.  A reflective exercise.  This should be self-aware and to a degree self-critical.  You could develop a personal Strengths and Weaknesses analysis, highlight key successes and reflect upon personal and professional development.  You may wish to relate this reflection to acquisition of Standard and Professional KSBs,  Relfect upon those that are assessed in the EPA TD.  Finally, as its a SP you could reflect upon short / medium term personal goals.

Conclusion Checklist

What to do now Chapter 6 ....

  • Orientate discussion around AIM
  • Reflect HONESTLY 
  • Include all elements - Conclusion worth 20% of marks
  • Complete SW analysis
  • Draft conclusion
  • Enter proofing process
  • (You have nearly finished)