Synoptic Project 2024/25

The Template is provided to help ... 
... please accept this help! 

The Synoptic Project is, like most assessments, marked online.  The demands of the report, not least 10,000 words + appendices means that effective presentation of your work is key.  Making it easy for the marker is paramount and this begins with you using the template provided.  However, there may be other areas of your presentation that need attention!

Report Hacks

Every SP is different and you all have a personal style ... but again, make it easy for the reader

Template Compliance

Use the template with exception of the suggested Appendices relating to progress.   The front section should all be included in your SP 

Font / Line spacing

The SP is screen marked.  So use a sans serif font such as  Arial,  Helvetica, Montserrat.  ( On a personal note I and may others find Times Roman a poor report script option)


There is no excuse for spelling or punctuation errors. 

Proofing - Idiot Check!

Apart from machine spell / grammar check use personal networks to check both readability and sensibility of your work.  The SP should be understandable to a wide audience so over use of technical terms and arcane jargon should be avoided.  Get a friend (non techncial) or family member to read your work ( or section) to see if it makes sense

Check List

  • Does your report include all relevant template areas?

  • Is it in a sans serif font and at least 1.5 line spacing?

  • Is it 10,000 + / - 10% excluding appendices?

  • Are all figures, tables, illustrations and appendices correctly numbered and attributed?

  • Has it been double proof checked?