If you don't know where you are going: any road will do (Lewis Carrol)
Basically, you need to spend as much time as needed to identify the SP "topic area". ​Time is not wasted as developing a viable SP is key to both your immediate professional and academic success. Use resources but consult with colleagues, ENU and JC to develop Topic area by Mid-September 2024 at the latest. ​Topic selection is different to Title development covered in Aims / Objectives
Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and IDEALLY one that is part of normal team activities. This makes the SP real, relevant and part of your day-to-day duties. This
In ideal world ... ensure there is a real need for your project If it's a development project e.g. assessing performance / charactersitcs etc, show that you are addressing a problem that has not yet been fully resolved. If it is "pure" research, demonstrate that the Research Question (RQ) has not been adequately answered​ to date. Finally, don't forget the relevant sector or contemporary context.
Your topic could offer new insights or combine existing ideas in a unique way. It c ould fill a knowledge / research gap and contribute to the field. BUT at undergradaute level the expectations are less. We do not expect genuine "new" findings, nor is your SP expected to be published, but it should be a genuine small project, well planned, professionally executed and findings suitably reported. Setting Level, is important. You and your peers at work deploy KSBs at a level far beyond SQCF Level 10, but it is important that you set the correct level. Talk to JC and scale, focus and level if unsure.
Consider the importance of your topic. Who will, or could, benefit from your study and how? In other words - try to develop a persuasive rationale for your study This will help justify your work: place it in both an academic and vocational context and lay the groundwork for your proposal
By default you have no budget, limited access to resources and not a lot of time! However, each project and each team is unique and local arrangements can be made - with stakeholder approval. But, before you explore topic areas make sure you have agreed access to the necessary resources to conduct your SP. This includes data, equipment, and note any required permissions and confidentiality .
Be realistic about what you can achieve within the time frame of your SP. Avoid overly ambitious topics that might not be feasible . Proposal submission 27/09/24 , FD: 10/01/25 and final report due 11/04/25 (all dates subject to review)
Ensure that your topic meets all confidentiality and ethical standards. If unsure ask workplace colleagues and / or module team. Note, you will need to make a Reseach Ethics statement in your Methodology Section.
Its not just a good idea but essential that you conduct a (very) preliminary literature review to ensure there's enough prior work to support your research but not so much that there's little left to say! Seriously, you need an existing canon or contemporary published research to underpin your SP. But as Cyber is fast moving and peer reviewed papers can take 12 months+ to be published in a journal: journalistic/alternate resources could be acceptable. Check with module team if you need clarification
Get together with immediate peers or members of your workside teams and generate a list of potential topics, then refine them based on the criteria above. Check with module team when a filtered list available. No good, no bad ideas at the moment ... just ideas. Everything is subject to change over the coming weeks.
Discuss your ideas with mentors, peers, and line managers. Their feedback can provide valuable insights and help you finalise your topic. Check then with module team and thats what JC is for!
Extracted from final submissions. Many are flawed and capable of improvement but should give you an idea of topic areas. Ask JC for more specific detail on past SPs.
Sample full reports (2:1+)from 2023 submission. Others more recent will hopefully become available soon. Again, check with JC to discuss any issues arising form past examples
A Forensic Overview of Browser Cache Artefacts
Critical Evaluation of User and Entity Behavioural Analysis Techniques.
Please download the "Topic Selection" Worksheet. Remember, while Topic Selection is important it is also a fluid process. You can change, amend and even totally change the topic literally at any stage. However, spending time with JC. LM and peers is valuable