Synoptic Project 2024/25

Results / Discussion  pptx

Results are key and a "pivot point" in the SP.  You need to present in an accessible manner.

They are the results of work detailed in Chapter 1- 3 and underpin chapter 5 - Discussion and 6 - conclusion.  However, each SP is uniques and the nature of findings may make combining Results and Discussion into a single chapter a logical choice.  This often makes an more cohrent argument and, if presented and discussed properly will not impact upon assessment in any form.

You must present your results  

Moodle resources argue this is the most important section.  In many ways this is true.  You are presenting YOUR results obtained from the work detailed in the previous chapters.  If the results are not what was expected or the experiment or survey "failed":  report how and why and any limitations of the data generated.  It is entirely possible to obtain a first class mark with an apparent failure in data collection.  Reflect upon how in real life not all projects are successful every time.

Quantitative Research

  • Present your data using tables, graphs, and charts to make it easier to understand. Start with a brief overview of your main findings, followed by detailed results for each research question or hypothesis

Qualitative Research

  • Use themes or categories to organize your findings. Include direct quotes from participants to illustrate key points

Writing Style

  • Write in the past tense since you are describing completed research
  • Avoid unnecessary details and focus on results that directly answer your research questions

Table and Figures

  • These can help summarize large amounts of data and highlight key trends 

Graphs and Charts

  • Use these to show relationships and comparisons between variables

And finally

  • If you have additional data that is relevant but not critical to the main findings, consider including in an appendix or supplementary materials.  Or, leave it out!

Results Checklist

What to do now Chapter 4 ...

  • PLAY PPTx:  at least once!  
  • Reflect on what would the best way to present Results in an accessible / engaging manner.
  • Are you going to combine Results and Discussion into a single Chapter?
  • Identify key fidings by RQs / hypothesis
  • Complete draft Results / Discussion Chpater 
  • Discuss with JC if desired
  • Reflect upon Feedback
  • Progress to Discussion / Conclusion