Synoptic Project 2024/25

Aim & Objectives pptx

The Introduction 1: your promise to the reader.  Engage, make an impact

The introduction provides a brief description of the topic and characterises the specific issues that the project will focus on. It should contain an explicit statement of the aim of the project and a set of objectives which can be treated as interim deliverables. These can be used to help manage the progress of the project and are likely to appear as milestones on a Gantt chart.  
It is also the first chance to engage the markers and set the focus and tone of your SP.

What is the relationship between aim and objectives

Engage the markers ... make an impact!

This is the broad, overarching goal of a project or research. It defines what you ultimately want to achieve. Your SP aim might be “​To enhance the cybersecurity resilience of SMEs by developing a mission appropriate cybersecurity framework by December 2026" 
It is important that the Aim is a natural progression from the Title and clearly supported by the suite of objectives.  The Aim should not be a repeat of what you are planning to do, rather: why  your "knowledge" adds to canon or how your findings will be applied in the workplace.


SP objectives are specific statements that outline the steps you will take to achieve the aim.   They help to focus your study, guide your methodology, and provide a clear roadmap for your work. In many ways they can map to the SP Chapters:  Objectives should be SMART - single sentence -  and do not need descriptive justification

Initial Project Plan

It is expected that chapter 1 should contain an initial Project Plan.  Good for proposal formative feedback and a benchmark to reflect upon in your final concluding chapter.  In final paragraph include a Gantt chart.

Chapter 1 Checklist 

What to do now Chapter 1 ....

The Aim is key.  All further SP activities are to achieve the AIM.  Chapter 1 sets the tone of the report and it’s important to engage the reader (marker) quickly.  Use the pro-forma.

 Download AIm/Objectives PRo-FORMAT
  • PLAY both pptx:  at least once.  Reflect upon the importance of Ch1 in engaging and making a 1st impression with markers - also, creates a road map for your report!
  • Draft structure of Chapter 1.  Does it meet Checklist criteria?
  • Fill in Aim / Objectives sheet - send to JC
  • Note  Feedback
  • Draft Chapter 1
  • Make an appointment to see JC before end September 2024