Synoptic Project 2024/25

The Proposal is how ENU allocate your 2nd marker. 

They will be either be an SME or active in teaching and research in your topic area.  It is also an important early opportunity for you to "engage" with your 2nd Marker.  It is the first formal formative feedback check point.  YOU need to submit the proposal on time - 27/09/24 - do not wait for feedback but carry on with your plan.  

Proposal Pro forma

Remember you are seeking formative feedback so provide enough detail as possible. Alternatively, suggest multiple approaches and seek advice of what would be an appropriate perspective.  Again remember, the proposals are subject to change

Proposal checklist

  • Does your title clearly reflect topic area? 

  • Is the Aim expressed in a single sentence.  Is it an outcome?

  • Are the objectives SMART

  • Data:  are you clear how the your data is being obtained - primary research, existing data sources, dummy data etc

  • You must plan do conduct your own analysis / discussion on data.  Systemmatic Literature Reviews are prohibited

  • Have you reflected on and the challenge and inherent risk?

What to do now ....

Developing your proposal is important.  But, remember, you can change many if not all aspects over the coming weeks.  Ask JC 

 Download blank proposal form
  • PLAY PODCAST:  Reflect upon your personal cyber interests - both applied and theoretical:  brain storm  with peers, create mind maps - check ideas fit with your team mission
  • Develop a minimum of 3 draft proposal ideas - reflect upon content of proposal proforma
  • Make an appointment to see First Supervisor before end of August 2024 to progress topic/ proposal