Welcome to JCs Synoptic Project web resource for the 2024-25 run.
The SP is an important module. It counts for 22% of your final degree grade classification and is the only completely "student led" modulethat shows your ability to manage an extended project.Play the video ... it will tell you more about the project and what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. The SP is challenging, your last module but it is well within your capabilities. These resources are designed as a guide to the process of developing a project: however, it remains your SP and you are responsible for all the hard work. I am here to help - JC
Old cliches are often the best!. It's August and you submit the Final Report in April 2025 - 8+ months. The SP is an individual project, you have professional commitments, limited access to resources and little time. So make a "plan and work to that plan"! Each SP is different and sets singular challenges, however, time is immutable, so these monthly suggestions are a general guide. If you are worried about time management talk to your LM, PDM or CSF ... or me! In August you should have completed or be ready to ...
September is a key month for a number of reasons. You are busy with CSN10709 - Incident Response and Malware Analysis AND the grade is important. But we have a week 16 -20 September to wrap CSN10709 AND devote time to developing your SP proposal. It is very important that you balance assessed coursework with SP development. September is a key planning month for both Topic and Proposal. In September you should have completed or be
JC on Annual Leave: 09 - 23.09.24
October is a busy month of your programme. You finish your 4th and final Level 10 module:CSN10701 Cloud & Advanced Networking,attend two SP briefing workshops (Literature Review (1and Poster Show), receive your Proposal Feedback, work on your Literature Review and exhibit at the Poster Show. Finally, you also leave Meridian on 01.11.24 for your first substantive posts! Good luck in all your endeavours. In Octoberyou should have completed or be ......
Not surprisingly, I expect not a lot to happen for the first two weeks of November on the SP programme. You are at work FT and motivated to on-board with your team as soon as possible: without SP distraction! However, I do expect "pay-back" with some serious SP development mid-November to mid-December. It is important that you do not lose the motivation and discipline to plan and execute academic study over these coming weeks. In November you should have completed or be ready to ...
It’s that time to avoid public spaces and shops playing "Christmas Songs”. Another unintended consequence of the festive season is that organisations plan to be less busy and many "shut" over the immediate Christmas - NY week. You need and deserve a break, but you need to plan and ensure you devote enough time to develop your first two chapters (FD) to a standard where 2nd marker formative feedback would be both instructive and motivational. In December you should have completed or be ...
Old cliches again! But it isChapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 that need to be written before April 25. Many of you will be on schedule or satisfied with your progress on your SP and ready to submit your FD, but others may be less confident. Don’t worry, wherever you are in your SP there maybe still time to plan, execute and deliver a successful project. If his is the case, LET US KNOW AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. Contact JC. In January you should have completed or be ready to ...
February is a short month but one where your SP begins to morph from a collection of Chapters to a coherent integrated narrative. You need to ensure you have enough time "away from work duties" to develop your project. Make sure your support team - LM. PDM, CSF - are aware of your situation as we are always available to help and perhaps intercede if you need additional time. Also, use JC for Feedback and advice. In February you should have completed or be ready to ...
It is more a warning not to be idle in March. If on plan you have the analysis, discussion and conclusion sections to complete and leave sufficient time for revision, editing, proof reading and submission in April. If behind, again discuss with your support team and plan to make up time and complete on time. In March you should have completed or be ready to ...
Apologies for a cultural reference from the 1960s. April has come and its the end of what hopefully has been both a challenge and to a degree FUN. Key task for April is to reflect upon the results and the process of the SP and draft, review and complete the Conclusion Chapter 6. Additionally, editing, last reviews and proofing key tasks. In April you should have completed or be ready to ...
Navigate the site following icons. Try to complete tasks and activities according to "Ideal Schedule" above!
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